“Beam reach” is a sailor’s term:
when the wind is blowing more or less at right angles to the course he wants to
sail (the wind is not coming from ahead, or astern, but abeam), the helmsman trims his sheets to catch the breeze so his boat will move
forward efficiently and speedily.
If the wind is blowing from the right direction, it will take him home.
If not, at least it will take him somewhere fast.
He is not beating to windward, with
the breeze almost on his nose, the hull banging into each oncoming wave and the
salt spray flying back in his face; nor is he running free, with the wind
astern, pressing the boat forward, surfing up the back of each wave and down
its other side, the sails flapping when he’s in a trough and bellying out when
on the crest of the next sea, the hull rolling and pitching, and the mains’l
threatening to jibe (to sweep unexpectedly across the cockpit, only knocking
off his hat if he’s lucky) if he bears off the wind a bit too far. Between beating and running comes reaching; when the wind is abeam, you're on a beam reach.
Beating is exhilarating but
wearing, both to boat and skipper, while running free before the wind is also
taxing, and not the most efficient way to make the boat move fast through the
But a beam reach takes full
advantage of the shape of the hull and keel as well as the cut and set of the
sails. All combine to use the
force of the wind and the motion of the hull through the water to maximize
speed. A well designed boat, carrying the right amount of sail for the
prevailing wind, will move through the water quickly, steadily and comfortably.
On a beam reach the sailor has a
sense that he’s in control. He can sit back
and take satisfaction with the way his vessel is performing, and perhaps at the
way his acquired skills have helped it to perform well. And he has the feeling he’s getting
somewhere. As my wife Joy says, “It’s the sweet spot of sailing.”
OK, you can see the metaphor
coming: this blog will be a place for me to sit back in the cockpit, keeping an
eye on the set of the sails and the state of the weather, and to reminisce
about the high (and not so high) points of a lifetime that is approaching 80,
to comment on events, from the state of the world to the state of our back
yard, and to share some of my past writings and drawings, and maybe a poem or
I have been working off and on for
more than a decade on a memoir, focusing on my life in Washington and beyond,
where I spent a career working on arms control and disarmament. Its tentative
title is A Footsoldier of the Cold War. I might try out some of it on my blog
readers from time to time in the course of writing.
I also have a couple of other books
on a very back burner, if there is such a thing, and will share some of those
works in (fitful) progress with you too. One is a biography of an ancestor who
fought in the War of 1812, went on to run several textile mills (in one of them
he had the dubious distinction of inspiring the first women’s labor walkout in
America) and managed one of America’s first railroads until his accidental
death at the age of 42 (when they heard the news, the mill girls all cheered). Another is
a sort of illustrated logbook – or annotated set of drawings – from thirty
years of cruising the coast of Maine with my friend Richard Dudman.
I don’t plan to make an entry every
day, or even every week. In other words, this is likely to be as irregular a
production as most of the other blogs you follow. But for now, it’s time to hoist the sails, cast off the
mooring, and see where the wind will take me.